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Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Illinois
A Simplified, Systematic Coaching Process, Utilizing Established Tools and Protocols with Room for the Holy Spirit to Flow and Produce Accelerated Healing in the Soul (mind, will and emotions). A Christ-Centered and Prayerful Approach.
Pala Healing Protocol Founder - Coach Paula, BCCMHC, MCCLC
May include but not limited to
Increased Peace and Joy!
She said to me, "The Lord has given you the ability to reveal the hidden things."
I tucked this away for a time.
'Pala' literally told the meaning of my calling and what I had been doing for others in prayer and ministering to their souls.
Cynthia, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, USA
When I first began learning to hear the Lord, one thing He kept repeating was this, "I want to use your mouth." Not being a very talkative person, and really lacking in conversation skills, I wondered how this would take place. I couldn't deny that I kept hearing about the 'mouth.'
What in the world does that have to do with the word PALA? Allow me to share.
In 2007, in the week of the Jewish High Holy days, while on a short retreat in the mountains of Georgia, in the early morning, I heard the Lord speak to my spirit saying,
"Daughter, ... Go therefore and make disciples and teach them to obey all I have commanded including delivering the oppressed. You will do wonders beyond your imagination not by your might but by My Spirit and My Power."
[For reference - the scripture says in Zechariah 4.6 ...Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. The scripture says ‘ nor by power’ - in my quote above is says by His power – did I hear incorrectly? No. He will do the work through 'His Holy Spirit,' described also as dunamis (dynamite power) and 'His Power', not mine.]
When asking the Lord to help recall what else was said so I could record it well, I then heard...
"You will deliver the captives."
What else should I do for you Lord?
"Go and set the captives free."
Part of what this means for me is the setting free of their souls, not just for eternity but for here and now. Being captive is like being in prison, in torment. The 'setting of captives free' is the releasing of the prisoners from the torment of also what's going on inside. Inside the Soul (the mind, will and emotions.)
7 years after the "Go and set the captives free" word, a woman whom I had just met in Indiana, spoke to me what she believed was a word from the Lord.
I've had other words spoken to me, however this word, even though I didn't know how it could come to be, her words struck me. I knew it was true.
She said,
"I hear the Lord saying, that you are quiet but you are mighty.
And the intercession, the groans through you, moves heaven.
And the angels, the war angels hear you very well...
You have a heart that is very pure.
You are pure to your family and your husband and you are a woman of God...
Go on forward. You're going to be leading an army...
I see women and children. Here you are on the front lines...
I do see you as the woman in God, that God is speaking to you that there is a mighty warrior spirit in you.
I see a Deborah spirit.
And that's what God is saying to you today Paula."
While on a short get-away to Tennessee in 2015, on a cold and snowy winter morning, nestled in a cabin while my husband and his mother went out to capture a sunrise photo, I recalled what a client had said.
She said to me, "The Lord has given you the ability to reveal the hidden things."
Recalling her words and honing in on the word 'hidden.' This is what I was thinking about that morning. The bible search began on the word, 'hidden,' and when I came across Psalm 139 the hebrew 'pala' jumped out at me.
Tears began rolling down my face in awe.
You see, up until that morning, I had always thought that my name 'Paula' meant, 'little.' And the feminine of 'Paul.' I discovered it meant so much more.
'Pala' literally told the meaning of my calling and what I had been doing for others in prayer and ministering to their souls for freedom, healing, miracles, and breakthrough.
Now I understood that my name fit what I've been called to do and the anointing to do it despite my shortcomings. In His grace, He is still perfecting me, thank goodness.
Pala Meaning - Going before the King, in interceding prayer, discerning, righteously judging, with His authority, like a shepherd, removing the debris, the hinderances to healing, and freedom.
A gentle yet powerful exposing of the hidden works of the enemy and his lies, a key to bringing it into light in a safe manner and space; to pave the way for the Lord's Truth and miraculous, wonderous works through His Spirit and His Power.
Tune into the word 'WONDERS' for a moment.
It's also connected to
Wonderous, Wonderfully, Extraordinary, Marvelous, Miraculous.
Psalm 139:13-16
You Have Searched Me and Known Me
13 For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully [H6395 palah] made.
Marvelous [H6381. pala] are Your works, and I know this very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.…
The hebrew letters are fascinating. Each with a picture, sound, number value and meaning.
One of the root meanings of Palal is 'to pray'.
Some years ago, I believe it was at the end of 2007 or the very beginning of 2008, we visited a little church on a winding Tennessee country road. It was our first and only visit.
Afterwards we received prayer and a person there said to me, "You're an intercessor." I didn't know what that meant exactly at the time. Now I know it has to do with prayer. Interceding on behalf of another.
What does that have to do with hebrew letters and the Pala thing?
The Hebrew letter 'Pey' - ' פָ' for 'P' is a picture of? A mouth! To represent speaking.
The 'Lamed' - ' לָ' for 'L' is a picture of a staff. A symbol of authority.
Pal means 'to fall, kneel'
Put it all together. 'To fall to the ground in prayer, speaking to authority to plead a case of another."
Add the letter 'Aleph' - 'א' for 'A' is a picture of an ox. A symbol of strength. The way the letter is written also represents Jesus, the Messiah as our intercessor. God coming down to man to intercede for us.
Adding the letter 'A' to P-L brings the meaning to 'perform, intercession' and altogether it translates into 'to perform a great work (as an act of intercession), wonder, marvelous, extraordinary.'
Yes, I'm totally amazed!
14 Years later to the month, during the weeklong Jewish Holiday Sukkot (09/2021), Boom!
The PALA PROTOCOL is official.
Summer 2023 - Name Updated For Clarity to "PALA HEALING PROTOCOL."
(Unplanned by me but I think not a coincidence. Sukkot is also known as the Feast of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles. It "commemorates the sheltering of the Israelites in the wilderness." As Christians we relate this as the Lord coming to tabernacle, dwell with us.)
This Pala Healing Protocol is an answer to years of prayer; dissatisfaction with the slowness of healing. When there wasn't an instant miracle or when the miracle didn't remain, I sought to discover the reason, the why.
I kept saying, "Lord, there must be a better way. There's got to be a better way." Meaning, if a miracle wasn't going to happen right now, how could healing come, a gradual miracle?
What was preventing it from happening and remaining?
And how could I humbly, yet confidently, assist others, not with 'years' of prayer or coaching, or counseling or therapy, but with only hours or 'months, less than a year.
How could years of trauma heal in a relatively short time?
I believe this Protocol launch is part of the 2007 and the 2014 words.
The Pala Healing Protocol is what ministers to me the most.
As it turns out, it also ministers to most of you too!
More and more of you are learning the Pala Healing Protocol for yourselves and taking it to your children, family, friends, clients and ministries.
Without advertising, within 2 weeks of each other, the Lord sends two women of God to become the 1st 2 students. In the 1st 90 days, the 3rd Student!
The next Student was the Head of an International Ministry. She has taught her Teachers (who minister to others) and she has brought other Heads of Ministries to Abundant Life Coaches for help in healing and growing. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!
I feel so honored. This is after years of wondering when this would happen.
This is 'the leading of women and children' into freedom, healing, and wholeness. Setting them free from the prison of hurts and lies of the enemy, bringing them into the Truth of who God says they are and doing what He says they can do.
In 2022 and 2023, The Lord opened doors to minister to Ministers, even to the Heads of Ministries. That's been on my heart to do for a long while. HE made it happen. These Ministers in-turn minister to many.
I also love ministering to Professionals: Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Psychologists, Acute Care Physical Therapists, Teachers, Counselors...
Professionals need help too. They experience and hear more than their share of heartaches.
And there you have it. The story behind it all. My mouth, filled with His Words, His Truth, His Insights, to Heal Hearts. For His Glory!
Now, go and live a Blessed Abundant Life kind of day. Today and Everyday!
Coach Paula, BCCMHC, MCCLC
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as Tapping. Scientifically proven, extremely effective with PTSD Veterans. Evidence based practice with 100+ clinical studies proving effective and lasting results.
Only a select number of handpicked students are considered for
Pala Healing Protocol Christian Coach Training
For a limited time, Coach Paula is personally providing
All Students will first complete their own 12-Week Well-Being Series.
If you have interest, inform your Coach.
Those handpicked as a good fit, will be sent an invitation to apply for candidacy.
This is in development.
Learn the basic Pala Healing Prayer Coaching Ministry model so you can help others.
Lead persons through the ministry process of:
H6381. pala
Strong's Concordance
pala: to be surpassing or extraordinary
Original Word: פָלָא
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: pala
Phonetic Spelling: (paw-law')
Definition: to be surpassing or extraordinary
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
denominative verb from pele
to be surpassing or extraordinary
NASB Translation
bring extraordinary (1), deal marvelously (1), difficult (5), extraordinary degree (1), fulfill a special (3), made his wonderful (1), made marvelous (1), makes a difficult (1), makes a special (1), marvelous (1), marvelously (1), miracles (5), monstrous things (1), seemed hard (1), show your power (1), things...difficult (1), things...wonderful (1), too difficult (2), wonderful (4), wonderful acts (1), wonderful deeds (3), wonderful things (2), wonderful works (2), wonders (20), wondrous deeds (3), wondrous works (3), wondrously (2), wondrously marvelous (1).
Brown-Driver-Briggs[מָּלָא]71 verb denominative Niph`al etc., be surpassing, extraordinary (compare Gerber212); —
Hithpa`el Imperfect תִּתְמַּלָּא בִי Job 10:16 thou dost shew thyself marvellous (act inexplicably) against me.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance accomplish, arise
A primitive root; properly, perhaps to separate, i.e. Distinguish (literally or figuratively); by implication, to be (causatively, make) great, difficult, wonderful -- accomplish, (arise...too, be too) hard, hidden, things too high, (be, do, do a, shew) marvelous(-ly, -els, things, work), miracles, perform, separate, make singular, (be, great, make) wonderful(-ers, -ly, things, works), wondrous (things, works, -ly).
H6395. palah
Strong's Concordance
palah: to be separated or distinct
Original Word: פָלָה
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: palah
Phonetic Spelling: (paw-law')
Definition: to be separated or distinct
NAS Exhaustive ConcordanceWord Origin
a prim. root
to be separated or distinct
NASB Translation
distinguished (1), make a distinction (1), makes a distinction (1), set apart (2), wonderfully (1), wondrously show (1).
Palal - the biblical word for Prayer
H6419. palal
Strong's Concordance
palal: to intervene, interpose
Original Word: פָלַל
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: palal
Phonetic Spelling: (paw-lal')
Definition: to intervene, interpose
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
entreat, judgment, make prayer make supplication
A primitive root; to judge (officially or mentally); by extension, to intercede, pray -- intreat, judge(-ment), (make) pray(-er, -ing), make supplication.
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
a prim. root
to intervene, interpose
NASB Translation
expected (1), intercede (2), interceded (1), interposed (1), made judgment favorable (1), make supplication (1), mediate (1), pray (36), prayed (28), praying (8), prays (4).
Brown-Driver-Briggs[מָּלַל]84 verb probably intervene, interpose (hence both arbitrate, judge, and intercede, pray, compare Dr 1Samuel 2:25; Late Hebrew פלל (rare), נתפלל, pray, מִּילּוּל act of prayer, מְּלִילָה judicial matter; — otherwise WeHeid. (2), 126 who conjectures derivation for הִתְמַּלֵּל from Arabic notch edge (of sword, etc.), i.e. cut one-self in worship); —
mediate, judge: ...
specifically intercede (with ׳י), with בעד, on behalf of ...
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