Signed in as:
Cyndi, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Midwest, USA
INCLUDED for New Clients - For a limited time.
~ Wanda, Certified Psychiatric Nurse, Macon GA
Happy Client following 1st Session, Pilot, GA, USA
** KEEP Your Consultation Appointment **
A 'No-Show's' only next option is an Evaluation + Session.
Looking for ways to afford? See Referrals
Stuck, stressed, tormented, anxious, anger, self sabotaging, triggered, sad, guilt, chronic pain, fatigue, freaked-out...?
Emotions all over the place? Unregulated?
Tried everything else?
You need Relief. Your goal is to decrease the intensity of the issue and perhaps eliminate it.
This service helps to heal from the past, the hurts, the traumas, the old way of believing, thinking, responding and helps you move forward in your life.
It's being 'well' in your Soul (mind, will and emotions).
As we re-align with His Word, including in our thinking, emotions and beliefs, this naturally produces the fruits of the spirit, the love, joy, peace we long for. This is a huge part of enjoying life.
At Abundant Life Coaches, this Well-Being Life Coaching walks you through a simple and powerfully effective process, so you live in the Abundant Life promise, not just in eternity, but also now, in the present.
Many Clients testify to the 'Healing of the Soul' also producing another benefit: Dis-ease, fatigue and pain relief.
12 Session Minimum Highly Recommended
#ChristianWellbeingCoaching #HowToRelieveStress #EmotionalStabilityCoaching #ChristianLifeCoaching
New Hope
New Peace
New Journey
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